ROSE-K Lenses

Rose-K Contact Lens is a gas-permeable rigid contact lens design that can help improve vision in those with keratoconus. These lenses are specially designed for keratoconus to help improve visual acuity or vision and are different from traditional contact lenses. These are one type of lenses for keratoconus.

Rose-K contact lenses are often a very effective method for correcting vision in patients with keratoconus. Because keratoconus is a progressive disease by nature, the Rose K lens must be fitted with extraordinary care and reevaluated at least every year by a contact lens specialist. At EyeQo, we are experienced with this type of lens and can provide both your initial fitting and your annual evaluations.

Eye conditions treated with ROSE-K lenses:

  • Keratoconus (Mild to Moderate)

Rose K lens ideal for correcting vision in keratoconus

  • A complex geometry capable of accounting for the irregular shape of the cornea in all stages of keratoconus. Whether the condition is mild or advanced, Rose K lenses can provide powerful vision correction.
  • A smart design process that uses complex computer operations and special digital lathes to craft each lens. The computer-controlled lathes carefully cut the lenses—made of oxygen permeable polymers—to the perfect shape to suit the patient.
  • The option for customization. Rose K lenses can be custom-designed for any eye. By matching the specific corneal irregularities of the patient, Rose K lenses can reliably correct astigmatism and refractive error (be it myopia or hyperopia) associated with keratoconus.
  • A highly breathable design. The polymers used for Rose K lenses allow oxygen to penetrate directly through the lenses. This design keeps the eye healthy while ensuring all-day comfort for the patient.
  • Their ease of use. Rose K lenses are easy to insert, remove, clean and care for.

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